Christmas in July

Christmas in July

INVITATION from Rob and Janet Fahey re Christmas in July get together: Date:                     13 July at about 2 pm Place:                    105 Finlays Road, Korora. Theme:                 Santa’s Socks Need to Bring:     Pot Luck Dish + alcohol   Invitation: Jan and Rob…

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Yep, it was a classic getaway with the DUBBUG group travelling north to sunny Queensland to discover the adventure of Australia’s longest rail trail, at 161 km. A lot of investment is currently going into this mountain bike trail, and…

Certificates of Recognition

Certificates of Recognition

Wednesday’s ride morning tea at Urunga Broadwalk cafe was a delight for the DUBBUG members to celebrate the elevation of John to the DUBBUG’s newly formed “80th’s Chapter” and to also recognise the past contributions of George Smith as outgoing…

DUBBUG Jerseys Order – Last Chance!

DUBBUG Jerseys Order – Last Chance!

This is your last chance to order the DUBBUG current jersey – short sleeved or long sleeved. If you would love one of these wonderous garments to complement your cycling adventures or just to look good in, & feel a…

2019 Ride Calendar, Happy New Year

2019 Ride Calendar, Happy New Year

Hi ‘de Buggers’ Wishing you all a happy celebration for the exit of 2018 and the start of 2019. May there be many new adventurous journeys for 2019. Lots of coffee, chai tea for some, cake and laughter. No spills, limps or surgeries.…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hi ‘Buggers’, Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the wheels keep turning, the coffee stays hot and the cake has at least a few sultanas and rum, with holly on the top.   Cheers Le Presidente

AGM Sunday 20 January 2019 at North Beach

AGM Sunday 20 January 2019 at North Beach. See ride calendar for ride. Catering will be: purchase coffee and eats from café. Reminder that Herb will take membership as well. Anything for the agenda let me know. Cheers Rayner