Category: Events

Geelong/DUBBUG Canberra Tour 17 March 2020 to 24 March 2020

Canberra-Tour-Itinerary-March-2020.pdf Hi All, Clarification of Canberra Tour 2020 Quote from Peter Jones’ email: I have put together a suggested itinerary similar to a Canberra Tour we did in 2013. This time you could bring your caravan/motorhome or join with others…

Christmas in July

Christmas in July

INVITATION from Rob and Janet Fahey re Christmas in July get together: Date:                     13 July at about 2 pm Place:                    105 Finlays Road, Korora. Theme:                 Santa’s Socks Need to Bring:     Pot Luck Dish + alcohol   Invitation: Jan and Rob…

3rd Annual Tour de North West

3rd Annual Tour de North West

Sunday 1 October 2017 marks the 3rd annual Tour de North West charity bike ride, held in Armidale. Many of us have participated in the last couple of years & it has been very enjoyable. To keep things fresh and…

Coffs Coast Challenge 2017

Well done to those who entered the Coffs Coast Cycle Challenge this year – some fast times indeed, no doubt thanks to Rayner’s ride schedule leading up to the event which had most of us attacking long distances regularly in…