Yellow Rock to Valla

Phil & Mark take a break at Hungry Head after traversing the cobblestones of Yellow Rock Road

Phil & Mark take a break at Hungry Head after traversing the cobblestones of Yellow Rock Road

Mike Flood

The west Antarctic ice sheet may be irreversibly melting into the ocean, drought and bushfires may be scheduled for later in the year but for cyclists the Indian summer is welcome on the edge of winter.  No frozen fingers and toes for the DUBBUG cyclists who rode a new course of 45 kilometers along Yellow Rock and Hungry Head Roads and then the Pacific Hwy to Valla Beach and return.

Yellow Rock Road is good training for any cyclist wanting to ride the cobblestones between Paris and Roubaix.  The cattle grids and level crossings only add to the excitement.  Mark had to adjust his fallen handlebars and replace his lost teeth fillings after this bone shattering ride. With virtually no other road traffic and the river ambience, however, this became an enjoyable ride in the sunshine.

Highway One from Urunga to Valla is reputed to be the most dangerous road in Australia but a reasonable shoulder for most of the way and the lesser traffic volume on Sunday means it is not so fearsome.  The regular hills, however, are energy sapping so the drinks and eats at Valla Beach were most welcome.  Margie and Leigh did well to negotiate the tough terrain.

The ride back to Urunga saw Enthusiastic Dave blast out of the starting blocks and he was never sighted again until we reached our destination.  Perhaps there is something in a no fat, no sugar, no gluten, vegetable juice diet.  Herb and Alan plugged along manfully and all arrived at journey’s end with no untoward experiences to report.

Next Sunday’s 0800 hours ride is a flat one from Clybucca BP to South West Rocks and return if you avoid the excursion to the Smokey Cape Lighthouse.