Ride Report 19th Jan 2014 – Macksville to Upper Warrell Creek

DUBBUG Ride Report
19 January 2014
Colleen Henry

Hot on the heels of last Sunday’s long ride (at 116km one of the longest we do), this Sunday’s ride was just the opposite. From Macksville south on Upper Warrell Creek Road and return, the grand total was 24km.

Because the ride was so short, some of our long-distance stalwarts began their cycle in Urunga and Nambucca Heads. Betty Anne, Herb, Deb and Tim all got a few extra kilometres under their tyres before joining Dave S., Mark, Allan, Phil, Mike, Colleen and Ian at Macksville.

George had intended to get a few extra kilometres in by cycling north to meet the long-distancers, but they were travelling faster than he thought and he met them only a few kilometres outside Macksville.

Herb, our perennial tail-end-charlie, finally rejoined us after a long Christmas break and did it with a bang. Luckily there were no vehicles involved, just a very dilapidated plank bridge. His front wheel snagged in a gap between planks as he slowly rolled across, and although he didn’t hurt himself too badly, the front wheel was incapacitated.

A quick call to George’s wife Betty brought a car to the rescue. Let’s hope that’s the last time he comes off his bike this year!

For the remaining cyclists, it was an uneventful and relaxing ride back to Macksville where we enjoyed Macksville’s wonderful river views. The shorter ride left us heaps of time to dawdle over coffee and talk about the 12-day ride in New Zealand for which 11 of our riders depart Tuesday next week.

Our usual Sunday rides will continue, however, and next Sunday will see us on another easy bike ride, from Urunga BP to the Coffs Harbour Jetty via cycle paths, and return. See you there for an 8am start.