We received the attached invitation today from Doug Robertson, Cadet Accountant @ Roberts & Morrow Charted Accountants – that’s him, and me, in the photo towards the rear! I entered the event last year and highly recommend it. Let me know if you would like to book group accommodation in Armidale for the Saturday night. ED ( david@spears.com.au )
My firm and I would like to invite you and cycling affiliates to participate in the 2016 Tour De North West on the 2nd of October, long weekend. I have attached the official informational poster to this email.
The course has been modified this year in which we will travel out to Goswyck church per last year, but then double back to go down to Dangarsleigh falls where morning tea will be served. Then we will ride back to Peterson’s Winery for lunch and entertainment.
Visit www.rm.net.au/tdnw to register. If you register before the 9th of September you go in the draw to win an Ipad Air 2.
If you have any further questions on the event please ask. Hope to see you there!
Kind Regards, Douglas Robertson