Fifty-five kilometres of pastoral scenery at its best lay before the DUBBUG as we assembled on the start line at the BP in Urunga. The worst paved roads in the country and numerous hills also lay before us. However, with the mountains of northern Vietnam beckoning later in the week for most of the company, the ride to Glennifer was both appropriate terrain and road surface.
Mid –spring is often the best season for being outdoors with plenty of sunshine and very little wet weather. The cool mornings and sunny conditions are ideal for bike riding as are the dry roads which make it less likely to experienceaccidents or punctures.
Everyone riding in the DUBBUG’s yellow and black uniform has induced a remarkable change in driver behaviour too. All the vehicles passing us showed admirable restraint in both speed and in giving us a metre leeway. This is particularly important given the increase in traffic associated with the school holidays and the narrowness of much of North Bank Road. Thus the very best of cycling conditions prevailed for the duration of the ride.
Dave, Phil and Ed generally led from the front. El Presidente George did his own thing but socially included himself at morning tea conducted with the usual Germanic efficiency at the Butter Factory in Bellingen. Leigh managed to complete the ride mistakenly using glasses that were not his own. Raynor was tentative on the downhills after a trip over the handlebars last week but demonstrated the strength training effectiveness of the kilometres she has put into her numerous bike rides over the past month by zipping up the hills. Alan, Herb, Bruce, Mike, Bettyanne and Mark kept the average speed up taking over the lead at different stages.
Rides at 8 am from the BP in Urunga on Wed. and Fri will be held as usual and next Sunday’s ride at the same time and place is an easy 45km social ride to Bongil Bongil NP.
Mike Flood