A fine day for this Sunday’s ride was just what the doctor ordered. Eleven rode the 100 km return trip from Urunga to Scotts Head. The ride has a number of challenging hills, and the warmth and humidity added to the energy expenditure required.
George Smith did his usual trick of riding the Macksville to Urunga bit first, in the dark. “It gets me home for lunch and I see less traffic” is his story. His pleasure was somewhat diminished by the sight of yet another truck crash at the northern entrance to Macksville bridge.
Bettyanne Austen suggested coffee stops, not only at Scotts Head but at each time passing through Macksville. (I’m not saying she is addicted). Surprisingly this idea was rejected – Cyclists do not tend to refuse coffee. However, the coffee at Scotts Head more than satisfied us all. Try the “crumble and ice cream” too!
Ian Scott carried on the doubtful tradition, started by George last week, and arranged his puncture for the coffee stop. This enabled us all to refresh ourselves whilst he slaved away, with remarkable equanimity, to fix it.
It was great to see Sally Curtis and Debbie O’Reilly back with us after a bit of a break. Well, I saw them at “catch-up stops”. They have lost none of their power. Also welcome was Chris Wills. He was yet another addition to the “fast mob”.
The return journey was made more interesting when we met up with three Russian cycle tourists. Phil Jones said he knew they were Russian even before we spoke to them. “It was the snow on their boots”. Well, he was tired and thirsty and so a better standard of humour was not to be expected. Steve Smith, who is a seasoned international traveler, disappointed us by being unable/unwilling to converse in Russian.
All in all a satisfying ride.
Next Week’s Sunday ride is: Start Urunga BP 7:30 am then North Bank to Bellingen, Hydes Creek, Gleniffer, Bonville, and home again to Urunga via the highway
The weekday rides start at Urunga BP 8:00 am Wednesday and Friday.