Ride Report – Urunga to Coffs
Ian Scott
7 December 2014
Eight riders congregated at BP North Urunga for an easy ride to Coffs and back. President George and Kirk had volunteered to help with Coffs Council’s bike count so the crew decided to ride through Sawtell and Toormina to make sure we were included in the count.
We headed up the new highway then Lyons road to Sawtell. Upon arriving at Sawtell we discover Kirk on a break as the count was suspended between 9:00 and 10:00 (Strange!). Onward through the back streets of Sawtell to Toormina roundabout. No sign of George!
The next leg of the route is along Hogbin Drive cycleway, Howard Street, Beacon Hill then along Jordan Esplanade. Continuing along Ocean Parade we head towards Homebase for a much deserved rest and coffee.
We headed in a homeward direction via the city centre, Earl Street/Thompsons Road then the cycleways along the highway, finally the highway back to Urunga.
Although we missed George and Kirk counting bikes, we did pass another six counters so our group certainly added to the total bike count for the day.