Today’s ride was a short one for a Sunday – only 46km in total from Urunga to Sawtell and return, with what started as a small group of eight but grew to a total of 11 by mid-ride.
It seems the early morning start at 7am isn’t early enough for some – Bruce, Steve, Ian and Dave, all from Coffs Harbour way, cycled from their homes very early this morning, while darkness and mist hung over the valleys to join the main group at Urunga.
On its way north, the group picked up Kirk and Kerrie-Rae along the way, and Ian was waiting at the first catch-up spot.
The ride went up the Old Highway to Lyons Road, then continued on to Sawtell, where Bruce’s partner Ann and Steve’s partner Judy had offered to put on morning tea for us.
It was a quick ride up, with the group arriving at 8am instead of the expected 8.30, probably in anticipation of the lovely setting of our hosts’ garden and great food. Carrot bread, fudge slice, date bread, muesli slice, watermelon, grapes…..this was definitely the sweet part of our ride! And much appreciated!
The return was equally quick with the now much smaller group maintaining a peloton along the new Pacific Highway. We kept up a steady pace until we got to the Repton turnoff and the Old Highway’s hills which slowed some cyclists down a bit.
Regrouping at our last stop before Urunga at the scenic vista at Repton, Kirk and Kerrie-Rae decided they wanted to fit a few more kilometres in and headed out to North Beach/Myelstom while the rest of the group, now down to five, cycled back towards Urunga.
Phil peeled off to head up Waterfall Way, and Herb continued on into Urunga, so by the time we reached the BP, we were only three.
The ride was over by 10.30am, which must be some sort of record in recent memory for a Sunday ride. Given that the temperature was going to be up around 29 degrees and the breeze hadn’t arrived yet, this was a good thing.
Members please note that club fees are due to be paid to Herb, with the start of a new year. Account details are on the website for bank transfers, or cash payment is also fine.
Next week’s ride is at 7am from Urunga BP, and will explore Coffs’ cycleways, taking the Old Pacific Highway to Mailman’s Track, then new Pacific Highway to Coffs, then West Coffs, Park Beach, Jetty Foreshores, Toormina and Sawtell, then back to Urunga for a distance of 70km. Rides also leave Urunga BP Wednesday and Friday at 7am (until the end of February, then back to 8am start time).