DUBBUG Ride Report – Urunga to Bowraville
29th July 2012
Ian Scott
Six riders turned up at BP North Urunga for a ride to Bowraville via Nambucca and return. And we even had a sign on sheet! What’s happening to this mob? If the numbers starting these Sunday rides keep to this trend, by my calculations we will have minus four riders by the end of the year.
George rode from Macksville, Tim started at Nambucca while Mike compromised and left his car at Valla Beach turnoff. It was very hard deciding what to wear today. Although it was sunny there was quit a chill in the air starting off. We rode straight down the highway to Nambucca rather than via Hungry Head as we have all seen the sea before. Turning off the highway at the link road, we then turned right onto the old coast road then right into Wirrimbi road. After a couple of nice climbs we arrived at Rodeo Drive.
Turning right into Rodeo Drive we headed to Bowraville. Only a couple of kms along we came across road works. The surface turned out OK for road bikes, although there were a couple of soft spots where the tyres sunk a bit. Undaunted it was on to Bowraville and coffee. Nice undulating country without the hills being too steep.
While enjoying coffee and snacks at Bowraville, George whipped out his iPhone and with the aid of on-line maps calculated that the easier ride home was from Bowraville to Macksville via Wilson Road. After a pleasant ride to Macksville, we said goodbye to George and continued on up the highway to Nambucca. Tim pealed off while the remaining four continued on the home run. Next to disappear was Mike at Valla Beach turnoff. That left Phil, Herb and myself to continue home to Urunga. A very enjoyable day cycling!
Next ride Sunday 5th August BP North Urunga to Bellingen via Gleniffer Road, Hydes Creek Road and return North Bank Road. Some of us will be doing the Coffs Coast Challenge.