Sometimes you have to wonder whether the years of education really teach us the things we need to know. .
With the early morning temperature hovering around zero, no amount of layering could protect the initial riders leaving Macksville and Nambucca before seven am from freezing hands, feet and ears. However, the DUBBUG riders are nothing if not creatures of habit and Sunday morning is always the day for a longer ride.
Numbers were reduced this week with the absence of the Tour de France contingent, Herb on the Central Coast slowing down to walking speed with his extended family and Bello Dave occupied with fruit tree pruning. Others must simply have checked the temperature gauge, rolled over and gone back to sleep
Mike, Tim and George decided to complete half the ride before the others commenced by riding from their more southerly towns to Urunga to join with Phil and Ian for the return journey to Macksville via a side trip towards Bowraville. Allan joined us at the Valla Beach junction with Pacific Hwy. George, who had lost his way in visiting Macdonalds for breakfast, caught up with the group at Valla too – as we all thawed out in the warming sunshine.
Fortunately no flat tyres or mechanical problems marred the ride as frozen fingers had lost their feeling and dexterity and the simplest tasks became difficult. Several riders vowed that ski gloves, ear warmers and neoprene shoe covers would be included on the shopping list this week.
A substantial morning tea was consumed by most riders in Macksville before Phil, Ian and Tim resumed the return journey back to Urunga buoyed by calories, endorphins and the joy of cycling on what was now a beautiful sunny day.
Next Sunday’s ride commences at 8 am from the Catholic Club in Coffs Harbour for a journey north up Bruxner Hill and beyond. Rides on Wednesday and Friday commence at the same time from the Urunga BP. All welcome.