DUBBUG Ride Report
21 April 2013
The Macksville Meander, today’s DUBBUG ride from Urunga to Macksville and back via the Pacific Highway and Wirrimbi, drew nine meanderers – more than was expected for a ride that’s mostly along the busy highway and not everyone’s idea of a great cycle.
George and Colleen did the meander in reverse, starting early (6am) from Macksville to arrive at Urunga in time to leave the BP station at 8am. Tim joined them along the way and the crew leaving Urunga BP was comprised of these three, plus Robert, Bettyanne and Dave. Allan B. and Deb joined at Valla Beach and Sally at Nambucca Heads.
George’s flat just outside Hungry Head on the way south slowed the group up a bit, but this was the only flat of the day, and quickly changed with the group back on the road in no time.
Still feeling the effects of his back operation, George declined taking the hilly route of Wirrimbi and Colleen, still not great on the hills herself, joined him, the two making reasonable time along the flat between Nambucca Heads and Macksville, while the others peeled off to take the back way.
Cycling along the highway is always a bit heart-in-mouth as there is not much shoulder, but the traffic was kind to them and they arrived at the café at Macksville before the Wirrimbi mob, but not before the NAMBUG mob, who just beat them to the counter to order coffee first.
There were no complaints about waiting, however, as the sun was shining and the picnic table on the banks of the Nambucca was a great place to rest for awhile. The group, minus Colleen and George, cycled back up the Highway to Urunga, and with the wind at their backs it was expected to be a quick trip.