Ride Report 15th July 2012 – Urunga to Coffs Jetty

The ride was a relatively short one today and the weather and tyre gods were smiling on us as we travelled from Urunga BP to Coffs up the old highway. The clouds didn’t see fit to move off until the ride home, so the air was a bit crisp and for a little while it looked like it might rain. There were eight of us enjoying the variety of a quick pace mixed with a few slow sections, such as along the cycle path from Lyons Road to the Coffs Jetty where we had coffee and returned to Urunga.

On the way home, the danger of cycle paths became evident when Colleen went around a corner downhill and the bike slipped out from under her. No broken bones, which was lucky, but she’s got a few good bruises and a very sore collar bone.

We said goodbye to Steve at Lyons Road and the other Steve accompanied us down to Archville Station Road and then turned back towards home. Once off the cycleway, the fast threesome of Mike, Tim and Dave powered off ahead and maintained a pace of over 30km for much of the stretch of the new highway. Phil and Dave went off at Waterfall Way and that left Mike and Colleen and George to call it a day at Urunga.