Kuna wakati kutoa safari mkutano kwa kundi la misfits ambayo ni DUBBUG ni kama ufugaji paka, nipate vizuri wamekuwa wakizungumza Kiswahili
Translation: There are times when giving a ride briefing to the mob of misfits which is DUBBUG is like herding cats, I may have well been talking Swahili
14 riders collected at the BP servo for an easy ride to Coffs then around the Coffs Creek walkway. The official route was up Waterfall Way then the old highway up Perrys Hill then re-group at Mailmans Track. George, still recovering from a sore neck, decided to leave ahead of the group and ride straight up the highway. Herb, our every reliable sweep rider accompanied George to check on his welfare. The main group had caught George and Herb before Waterfall Way, then mass confusion as half the group rode the new highway while the rest went up Perrys Hill.
The next segment was along the new highway to Lyons Road then along the cycleway where a minor mutiny saw three riders continue along the highway. We reach the end of the cycleway and on to the highway to re-group again at Maccas where Margie gets a flat tire.
BettyAnne and Dave break off to do some banking (On Sunday Morning!!) and Mike stops of at Bunnings. We all had visions of Mike carrying a lump of 4×2 on the bike. Turns out he bought a small plastic plumbing fitting.
A little further along the highway and it’s Herb’s turn for a flat. A special thank you to the drunken yobbos who love smashing beer bottles on cycleways. Us cyclists just love fixing flat tires!
By some miracle the group all arrive at the start of the creek walkway at the swimming pool. Margie and Leigh decide to head back to Urunga as they have another appointment. We head along the walkway and briefly get mixed up with a kid’s football match and athletics event. Continuing along the walkway we arrive at Dolphin Marine Magic (the old Pet Porpoise Pool) for the obligatory coffee break.
The next section of the walkway, although dirt track, was a very pleasant meandering ride back to the swimming pool ( BettyAnne you wimp!). From the centre of Coffs it was back to Urunga past Coffs golf club and the pacific highway.
Next Sunday’s ride is one of our old favourites. Urunga to Bellingen via South Arm Rd/North Bank Rd. Contact BettyAnne on 0432510589.