Ride Report 11th November 2012 – Urunga to Sawtell

Black Clouds and Bright Minds.

Not even the sunny disposition of the DUBBUG bike riders who showed up for the 50km ride on Sunday could dispel the clouds and unseasonal chilliness that greeted them at the commencement of the ride. Other frequent flyers must have looked at the rain outside and their warm beds inside and mistakenly chose comfort over comradeship. How would any revolutions have been won with such an attitude?

The usual Unstoppables rode the new highway and Lyons Road from Urunga to Sawtell and then ventured homeward in improving weather with a recharge stopover of coffee and raisin toast in the well manicured surroundings of the Bonville Golf Course.

Phil’s flat tyre was soon forgotten due to the intensity of the discussion concerning the merits of different brands of bike tyres, the mechanics of getting everyone to the start line for the Bright cycle tour in a couple of weeks and menu selections for the Christmas party at the Nambucca Golf Club. Thus the more deep and philosophical inclinations of the group were subsumed by the minutiae of everyday life and the world was left without the problem solving genius of the DUBBUG.

Well fortified with caffeine and endorphins the happy cyclists completed their journey glad they had battled the elements and keen to do it all again next time.

Next Sunday’s 60km ride to Sawtell and return commences at 07.30 am from the BP Service Station in Urunga. Weekday 35 km rides on Wednesday and Friday from the BP Service Station in Urunga still commence at 0800 hours. All are welcome.

Mike Flood