MAGNIFICENT, MAGNIFICENT, MAGNIFICENT, is the only description of Dorrigo at the moment, and we only saw a small part of it. Our ride was from Dorrigo out along the Armidale road. After about 17km of hills we turned into the Fernbrook Loop where the magnificence really did start. Of course there were some who rode up the mountain, their vision was a little clouded, but I think they also appreciated the scenery.
Phil Jones has been longing to do the mountain for a while and so did it for the first time. It was nice to sit back and think of the pain of our own first ride up and to feel sorry for him. (not likely ) Dave Hunt accompanied Phil and might I suggest set the pace. Don McCombie sporting his new bike was keen to try it out and I doubt the bike will ever be the same again, specially after the fast ride back to Dorrigo.
We were privileged to have Murray Suckling join us, he even abandoned the Dorrigo Tug of War team to join us, thanks Murray. What energy George Smith’s lost on the way to the Loop, he made up for on the way home and what a terrific downhill ride it is. Alan Fahey was in his element with ample cows on the side of the road to talk to, he understands cowlingo. I know the cows appreciated the new bits on his bike. Ian Scott was very quiet when we reached the Loop, but he did spark up on the downhill run home to Dorrigo.
No goading could get Kirk Taylor to ride even half way up the mountain or even to ride down, which is terrific. Next time Kirk. That Herb Simpson passed me on one hill,, he just lets me know from time to time that although he looks after the tailenders he can match it with the rest of us and pass me if he wants to. Of course the words, “ Get back Herb “ are to no avail on these occasions.
Still not too late to hand your name in for the Xmas Party at the Star Hotel Macksville on the 10th December. 66527464
Sunday next 27th is an Ian Scott ride starting at BP North Urunga at 7.30am. Then onto the old highway to Lyons Rd and onto Middle Boambee for a tour around the area and back to Urunga. More info phone 66588585.
Weekday rides as usual start at the Urunga BP at 7.30 am on Wednesday and Friday, see you there. More information 66527464