Report by A George Smith 6/11/2011

A good group of 10 riders set forth to complete the Gleniffer/Gordonville/Thora journey.  The weather was great for riding, if a little humid.

At the Gordonville half way point a mutiny took place and half the peloton opted to return the way they came, whilst the remainder, “intrepid few”, pressed on over the dirt road sections and the terrors of the Bellingen to Dorrigo road and its associated traffic.  It could be said, but not by me, that the renegades made the wise choice, despite the “young hen” imitation sounds made by those who stuck to the ride program.

The only problems experienced by either set of riders were all experienced by just one rider.  (Ray Guiana).  He managed both a puncture on the dirt road and followed that by constant gear selection problems. (That’s mechanical not fashion.)  Our tail end Charlie:  “Herbie” was a great help to Ray with appropriate advice whilst keeping his hands clean.

The “turncoats” arrived at Bellingen and had already finished their coffee and departed for home by the time “good guys” dragged their weary bodies in for the welcome sustenance. How we managed to ride so long without that caffeine fix I just don’t know.

The ride is one of the very good ones.  It has a fine mixture of excellent scenery, mostly quiet roads and challenging hills.  Only the occasional road surfaces, and the Trunk Road 76 “gauntlet” put a slight tarnish on what was otherwise a perfect ride.

Next week the Sunday ride is a MTB or hybrid jaunt to Bellingen and back via Valery Rd, Raleigh Raceway. Timboon and Hyde’s Creek.  Start BP Urunga at 7:30 am.  Weekday rides as usual start at the Urunga BP at 7:30 AM on Wednesday and Friday. Contact Number:  02 6652 7464.