Cycling the Pacific Highway from Urunga to Nambucca Heads and return conjures up daydreams of the new highway being finished and cyclists having all that lovely “old” bitumen to themselves, or at least with greatly reduced traffic.
It was a cool start for Mike, Colleen and Cath as they got on their bikes at Macksville and rode north to meet the Urunga bunch before they left Urunga BP.
They made it with only minutes to spare, just enough time to sign the ride sheet and get back on their bikes and head south.
With 10 cyclists, it was a good turnout for a chilly autumn southern ride, as most of our DUBBUG cyclists live in or north of Urunga. And the highway isn’t the greatest of cycling experiences.
The first part of the trip south was fantastic though – winding our way through the quiet streets of Urunga towards Hungry Head, through the forest and then back out to the junction with the Highway.
It was single file south from there as there is little or no shoulder along here. The sun-dappled pavement made it difficult to see upcoming hazards and there were a few spots where riders had to swerve sharply to avoid rocks, roots and rough bits that reared out of the pavement.
That’s why it’s so critical for cyclists to be given at least a metre by drivers – there are often hazards that aren’t seen until the last minute and it’s only a quick twist on the handle bars that saves you from hitting something. And that quick twist can put you into the way of a car that’s travelling a bit too close.
Kirk was a bit unlucky as he hit a big rock square on, which others in front managed to miss. He could have been very unlucky, but it only gave him a flat tyre and didn’t send him flying off his bike.
Leigh (long time, no see!) joined us at Valla Beach Road – it was good to have his company again.
The Macksville 3 headed south from Nambucca Heads after coffee while the rest of the group cycled back along the busy highway to Urunga, dreaming of the day in the not too distant future when the ride will be much quieter and safer.
Next week’s ride is a bit different – from Urunga BP, along the Old Highway to Butler’s Road, then Glenifer Road through Bonville to Lyons Road, then back along the New Highway to Mailman’s track, over Butcher’s Hill to North Beach (Myelstom) where we’ll have coffee and then take the Old Highway back to Urunga. All welcome! For more information, see our website –