DUBBUG Ride Report 9 December 2012

Beneath a lowering sky eight intrepid DUBBUGGers launched into their 42 km Sunday ride from Urunga to Bellingen via South Arm and North Bank Roads.  After a week’s riding in Victoria this brought home with bone-jarring thumps that we were back in NSW. It is a beautiful ride but the roads reflect the lack of expenditure.  If a developing country like Thailand can have smooth as silk surfaced back roads why can’t a post-industrial society like our own?

The traffic was calm with no vehicle exceeding 40kph as it passed by.  On a bouncy road, this is always very much appreciated by cyclists battling to keep a straight line, who can only wave a “thank you” to the slow passing vehicle giving them a wide berth.

While the weather was cool and the winds calm, humidity exceeded 90% which can add up to ten per cent to any exerciser’s heart rate.  Herb swallowed caffeine power gels as his aged body struggled in the tough terrain. However, his ever youthful intellect was active, spouting formulae for braking vehicles and lucidly reasoning that heavy and light vehicles can have the same stopping distances.

Refreshments at The Butter Factory in Bellingen were gratefully received as the staff maintained their cheerful bustle with the crowds of breakfasters nearly overwhelming their capacities.  Clearly, the local economy is doing well.

As the ride home neared its end several riders commented that it seemed very short after the 90 km daily averages set on the Bright/Wangaratta Rail Trail.  Tim, who had not been tested in Victoria, carried on to Lyons Road and then back to his home in Nambucca to record well over 100km for the day.