6th December 2015 – Coffs Creek Walkway

Ride Report 6th December 2015 – Coffs Creek Walkway

Ian Scott

Eight riders congregated at BP Urunga for an easy ride to Coffs then around the Coffs Creek walkway. Bellingen Don took out the flat tyre record by having two flats before we even started. Luckily this was the only mechanical malfunction for the entire ride.

We rode up the new highway and the highway cycleway then back onto the highway at the hospital all together. Then the group become disconnected. When we got to the Windmill Motel hill, the fitter riders in the group powered ahead while myself, George and Herb bought up the rear.

When I arrived at Combine street there was no sign of the other riders. I waited for George and Herb to catch up at the corner of Combine street and Elizabeth street. Just as they came around the corner, two large trucks turned of the highway into Combine street so they did not see me or hear me yelling out and continued down Combine street. I caught up with them and we got back on track up McLean street.

George found the hills were sapping his energy levels so Herb and George decided to ride back home. I then went looking for the rest of the group. I found Mark waiting at the corner of Lister Street and West High Street, the rest having ridden on. Luckily they knew were to go as we all met at the swimming pool.

We then road the first section of the creek walkway (with the nice bitumen and concrete path) around to Dolphin Marine Magic for the compulsory coffee stop.

After coffee we rode the second section of the walkway back to the swimming pool. Although this section is dirt all the way, it is quite ridable on road bikes (although at a reduced speed) and also a very pleasant ride through natural bush vegetation.

We then started heading south around past Coffs golf club with Mike and Rayner leaving us to head home at Sawtell. Out of the original eight riders only four remained to ride home.

I am beginning to have self doubts about my ride leader skills as every ride I have lead of late I have successfully lost a couple of riders. One ride in particular I lost the whole group. I guess it’s hard leading from the back of the pack!

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