Sun. No rain. What a change. Only eight of us departed from the park opposite the Urunga Hotel at 7.30 on Sunday; the weekends must hold other attractions for the majority of DUBBUG riders as our weekday rides are much more popular.
It might also have been the ride route – all but 14kms were along the Pacific Highway and some cyclists prefer the back roads. It’s much more quiet now that school holidays are over and the car drivers were very considerate today.
For half of the riders, it was a short ride of about 40km. The other half did double that by cycling to the starting point from Macksville and Nambucca Heads. Three riders – George S., Mike and Colleen – left Macksville early, picked Graham up at Nambucca Heads on the way past, and arrived at Urunga just as the other four riders – Betty Anne, Herb, Steve and Phil – were mustering.
Our destination that day was Valla Rural and the home of group members Barry and Jeanine, who set out a huge spread of warm scones and cream cake and homemade jam and then gave us a tour of their permaculture garden.
The ride was “just right” – some hills, but not too many. Some speed, but not too fast. And plenty of time to enjoy the warm sun on our backs and dry riding conditions. Cycling on the highway is always tricky and not all that enjoyable, but if you want to cycle longer distances you don’t have much choice around here. Just watch where you’re going and hope that the drivers behind you are doing the same.
Sunday 12 February ride: Meet 7.30 am at Nambucca Visitor Information Centre, corner Pacific Highway and Riverside Drive. Ride to Scotts Head to Grassy Head, then Stuarts Point to Pacific Highway and back to Nambucca Heads. 66km. For more information call George Smith, 6568 2115. And the usual Wednesday and Friday rides, which are shorter, begin at 7.30 from the Urunga BP station.