Well the weeks of preparation certainly paid off for DUBBUG members participating in the Coffs Cycle Challenge. There were several late entries, evoked by the increasingly contagious enthusiasm and commitment of those already entered. By August 4th, there were six riders lined up for the 60-kilometre event and six for the 100 kilometres.
On arrival at the inflated arch, Herb Simpson was recognised for his retro bike. The yellow steel frame was admired, although judges were disappointed by its “working condition”. Herb assured them that similar to his car, when it rained, his bike’s detailing would be addressed.
As the helicopter circled the Jetty, DUBBUG members who had watched three mountain stages of the 2012 Tour de France last year, experienced a momentary flash of déjà vu. Our strong contenders for the 100 kilometres, Phil and Kirk, had been belatedly joined by Don, their pacing companion on DUBUG mid-week rides. His late entry, without training, was a surprise to all. However, typical of his determination and strength, he rode with Phil and Kirk, until close to the 50-kilometre mark. He completed the course in just over 4 hours, while Phil our veteran of 70 plus, and our youngster Kirk, not yet 40, managed to break personal bests in clocking just over 3 hours and 30 minutes. Bettyanne, Herb and his son Peter were aiming to finish within 5 hours and they were able to finish very close to that goal.
Our 60-kilometre riders naturally included our newest rider David, who for his third ride, bravely contested the challenge. Alan Brighton rode with his 14-year-old niece, Caitlin. She staggeringly completed the course in less than 2 hours, with her uncle not far behind. Robert, Ian and our President George (another late entry caught up in the training hype), all finished strongly.
It was a great day for local cycling. The organisation was flawless and the Rotary volunteers were tireless, in course direction, at every turn in the course. I’m sure that we will be back next year; with some more serious training!