A little rain does not deter some riders. Four hardy souls left Urunga for the 120 km round trip via Bruxner Park and Nana Glen and all four returned wet, and, regrettably, not a bit wiser after spending all those hours in the rain.
To be fair – the rain gods did let up for the final run home from Coffs Harbour and we were also blessed with a tail wind.
Bettyanne Austen declared herself well satisfied with her effort as it provided good training for her upcoming European trip. – We know she only rode for the Nana Glen coffee which, with apple pie and ice cream, set us up for the long trip home.
George Smith provided light entertainment at the coffee shop by timing the first of his two punctures so the he could repair it whilst the others drank their coffee.
His second effort came at Mailman’s Track on the last leg and failed to amuse.
Herb Simpson, our permanent tail end rider, was keen to stop any attempt to race the last kilometer. He had to be joking! With the possible exception of Phil Jones who does not understand the word “fatigue” the rest were just happy to keep the pedals turning.
Two “ring-ins” lobbed in as we rode along. Steve Drake and his lovely wife joined us for coffee at Nana Glen in, what he described as a “four wheeled bike” but, which looked, to my untrained eye, very like a big yellow van.
On the last leg From Coffs Harbour a dry David Cox joined us for the tail wind doddle home. That is good planning Dave!
They say it’s the trips with difficulties that are the ones you remember. I’ll remember this one.
Next Week’s Sunday ride is: Start Urunga Ocean View Hotel 7:30 am then Scotts Head via Wirrimbi (Sally’s Way), and home again to Urunga via the highway
The Shortening of days means that weekday rides now start at Urunga BP 8:00 am Wednesday and Friday.