30/6/2013 Urunga to Coffs

DUB BUG Ride report 30/06/2013

Under the efficient leadership of Herb Simpson, ten riders set off from Urunga on Sunday 30th in ominous weather conditions. The ride north up the new Pacific Highway attracted just one puncture. Don, through practice, is becoming particularly adept and expedient in the repair process. Of course he was supported by a wealth of advice from Michele, but we were still impressed to see them arrive at our destination before we did!

The coffee and cake deal at the Coffs Harbour Surf Club was typically sumptuous and the view of the islands, never ceases to impress. The renovations continue, yet the service is continues as friendly and swift.

The ride home saw the manifestation of an icy head wind. Deb, Michele and Phil rode strongly home, after farewelling our Boambee contingent of Steve, Bruce and Ian. Bettyanne, George and Herb formed their own peloton and soon thawed out the ice in the prevailing wind. Most importantly, we arrived back in Urunga DRY!